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My Favorite Stars (top 10)

  1. Cor Caroli- My Favorite Star System- it's a binary star system and it is in the Canes Venatici constellation (my favorite constellation)
  2. Rigel- A four star system, a quaternary if you will...Rigel A caught a hot binary system in its orbit, and that binary had a companion. Ohhh :flushed:
  3. Sirius- I've always appreciated Sirius as the brightest star in the sky, but also my brain chemistry was forever altered by Dogsbody. It is also a binary star system
  4. Spica- Brightest star in my star sign constellation (i don't believe in astrology but I like symbolism),and you guessed it a binary star system
  5. Antares- Appreciated mostly because of Hatoful Boyfriend (no shame here unlearn shame), but also are you noticing a pattern? It's a binary star system
  6. Polaris- Appreciated for the history of navigation and star maps
  8. Chara- The other main star of Canes Venatici
  9. Altair- I just like the name ok?
  10. Betelgeuse- BIG BIG BOY

Why I like space

Space is unknowable and also kind of sexy. Stars forged the very atoms that make up the very matter that is Us. We were once stars, and we are the children of stars.

The sexiest celestial body? All types of binary star systems :3 Most of my favorites are binaries or other multistar systems